Model of Care Training Attestation

What is the Model of Care?

  • Per Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), as provided under section 1859(f)(7) of the Social Security Act, every SNP must have a Model of Care (MOC) approved by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).
  • The MOC provides the basic framework under which the Special Needs Plan (SNP) will meet the needs of each of its enrollees.
  • The MOC is a vital quality improvement tool and essential component for ensuring that the unique needs of each enrollee are identified by the SNP and addressed through the plan’s care management practices.
  • The MOC provides the foundation for promoting SNP quality, care management, and care coordination processes.

    Who is required to take the Model of Care Training?

    • CMS requires initial and annual MOC training for all Special Needs Plan employed and contracted staff that perform any job functions for the SNP population.
    • CMS requires initial and annual MOC training for all network and out-of-network providers who provide care to Special Need Plan beneficiaries on a routine basis.

    Please review the Model of Care training and complete the attestation to acknowledge understanding of these requirements and care coordination responsibilities of those providing care to Plan members.

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    Are you also a facility staff member/facility contracted PCP?

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    {{ form.businessEmail.error }} This email will not be sold/shared. It will be used for Plan communications only

    Please fix the following errors before submitting:

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    I have reviewed the 2024 Model of Care training*: By submitting this attestation, you are verifying that the LifeWorks Advantage Model of Care (MoC) training, as required by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), has been provided to you and your facility employees to facilitate understanding of the responsibilities related to the approved MoC with a check yes button. *:

    {{ form.reviewed.error }}
    All the fields marked with * are required.
    Confirmed! Thank you for completing the training. Your information has been submitted.