Provider Portal Login

Secure access to claims, eligibility info, authorizations, view patient history, submit authorization requests and more!

Can’t find what you are looking for? We transitioned to a new provider portal on January 1, 2024. EZ Net can be accessed through 12/31/2024 for 2023 date of service claims only. 2023 Authorizations can be accessed through 6/30/24 on the legacy portal.


Claims and remittance advices can be submitted and retrieved electronically through your existing clearinghouse or billing company.

Payer ID:

  • LifeWorks Advantage: LWA01
  • For claims questions, contact the Plan at 1-844-854-6883 (TTY 711)
  • For EZ-NET support contact [email protected].

For ease of processing payment, electronic claims are preferred; however, if you are unable to send us a claim electronically, please mail it to:

LifeWorks Advantage
P.O. Box 758
Glen Burnie, MD 21060-0758